Together in Music
Piano and Theory Tuition, beginners to advanced, Turramurra 2074. Piano footrests , ESL, Early childhood music.
Piano footrests / footstoods
Early Childhood Programs
The Suzuki Early Childhood Music program (SECE) is a small group music class for children aged: 0-3, 0-6 and 3-6 years. One parent or one caregiver accompanies each child in the class and assists them if needed. Children actively learn about beat, rhythm and pitch in a fun atmosphere while sampling all that music has to offer. Lots of fun allowing children to interact and learn with (and from) each other.
Activities can included: Listening and movement (fine and gross motor skills); Beat and rhythm work; Creative movement; Use of a variety of percussion instruments including glockenspiel and xylophone; Pitch development – Singing, use of sol fa and the Curwen hand signs; Simple age appropriate notation symbols
SECE Classes are held at the Suzuki Institute,Thornleigh 2121, NSW. 8 - 10 week term. Classes run for between 45-60 minutes.
Further SECE information
Benefits of the Early Childhood Program
Children love music and learn best through moving and listening. Music awakens and stimulates neural pathways in the brain that are associated with language and higher forms of intelligence such as abstract thinking, empathy, mathematics and science.
Music's melodic and rhythmic patterns provide exercise for the brain and help develop memory. Studying music helps children establish good listening habits, which are essential for achievement in school.
Overall, music activities are perfect for child development. Music immerses the child in language, evokes movement, stimulates the brain and fosters physical coordination - all in a group setting that builds community - a holistic experience.
The Suzuki Early Childhood Music curriculum is unique among movement and music classes. The curriculum is based on a mastery of concepts and developing ability.